Wedding Photography Gear

CANON - EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens for Canon Cameras

This lens is an amazing portrait lens.... its an absolute must have!

A cheaper but effective alternative is the

CANON - EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens for Canon Cameras

CANON - EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM Lens for Canon Cameras

A must have lens for longer range shots during the ceremony... series II is set to be released in April of 2010 so if you don't have one yet.... you might want to wait for it

CANON - EF 70-200 f/2.8L IS II USM Lens for Canon Cameras


CANON - EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM Lens for Canon Cameras

Amazing ultra wide-angle lens from Canon for those group & landscape shots you'll be sure to take during a wedding.

If you can't justify spending the money on this one.... try out the lens below at about half the cost

CANON - EF 17-40mm f/4L USM Lens for Canon Cameras

CANON - EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM Lens for Canon Cameras

Kit lens for the 5dmkII + lens package... this lens is an all around shooter for weddings... does a solid job for general shots and is probably one of the first 3 lenses you should get if you're going into the wedding photography business

CANON - EF 100mm f/2.8L MACRO IS USM Lens for Canon Cameras

A must have for the floral / ring shots that you're bound to want to take during a wedding... its perfect for those up close and personal shots and doubles as a great portrait lens.

CANON EF 50mm f/1.2L USM Lens for Canon Cameras

The 50mm lens is one of my favorites... i use this for general reception shots and in low light situations which will be common during most weddings... its a toss up between the 1.2 and the 1.4... the 1.2 is of course a prime... but the 1.4 is solidly built and in my opinion ... performs just as well....

CANON EF 50mmf/1.4 USM Lens for Canon Cameras

 Prices (current as of 2.5.2010)

Canon 85mm EF f/1.2L II USM
look for this lens around the $1,970 mark (NIB)
- ALTERNATIVE Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM
look for this lens around the $440 mark (NIB)

Canon 70-200mm EF f/2.8L IS USM
look for this lens around the $1,850 mark (NIB)

Canon 16-35mm EF f/2.8L II USM
look for this lens around the $1,520 mark (NIB)
- ALTERNATIVE Canon 17-40mm EF f/4L USM
look for this lens around the $750 mark (NIB)

Canon 24-105mm EF f/4L IS USM
look for this lens around the $1,149 mark (NIB)
* with the 5dmkII body + lens kit... the 24-105 is about $300 cheaper

Canon 100mm EF f/2.8L MACRO IS USM
look for this lens around the $1,049 mark (NIB)
- ALTERNATIVE Canon 100mm EF f/2.8 MACRO USM
look for this lens around the $500 mark (NIB)

Canon 50mm EF f/1.2L USM
look for this lens around the $1,600 mark (NIB)
- ALTERNATIVE Canon 50mm EF f/1.4 USM
look for this lens around the $400 mark (NIB)